Predictors of Heavy E-Cigarette Use among Adults in the United States

An analysis of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study.


Naveen Kannan



R Packages and Setup

knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA) 

1 Data Source

The data under study comes from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study. It was obtained from ICPSR, the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.

The Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study began originally surveying 45,971 adult and youth respondents. The study sampled over 150,000 mailing addresses across the United States to create a national sample of tobacco users and non-users, and is a collaboration between the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The data can be found at (

For adults, data was collected via interviews. Each case constitutes a single completed interview. Each case in a Youth data file represents one youth and his or her parent’s responses about that youth. Parents who provided permission for their child to participate in a Youth Interview were asked to complete a brief interview about their child. Youth who turn 18 by the current wave of data collection are considered “aged-up adults” and are invited to complete the Adult Interview.

2 The Subjects

The dataset from which data is being taken is Dataset 1001 (DS1001), which contains the data from the Wave 1 adult questionnaire. 45,971 adults and youth constitute the first (baseline) wave of data collected by this longitudinal cohort study.

The DS1001 data can be considered a random sample that constitutes a longitudinal cross section of adults(of age 18 and above) across the United States, since the PATH study sampled over 150,000 mailing addresses across the United States to create a national sample of tobacco users and non-users. The DS1001 data contains data on adults (individuals of age 18 and above) alone.

From the DS1001 dataset, individuals who used e-cigarettes at the time of the Wave 1 questionnaire were selected, excluding individuals who did not use e-cigarettes at that time. Dual users of e-cigarettes and other forms of tobacco were not excluded. The DS1001 dataset only contains data on adults, and thus youth below the age of 18 are excluded from the final dataset.

Individuals who had complete data on both outcomes under study were then selected. The resulting dataset had 3000 individuals. A random sample of 1200 individuals was taken from this subset, ensuring that the same respondents were taken for both analyses.

This sample of 1200 PATH study participants (contained in the tibble data_final) can thus be considered as a longitudinal cross-sectional sample of individuals who used e-cigarettes at the time of administering the Wave 1 questionnaire, who may or may not have used other tobacco products, across the United States, of ages 18 and above. Wave 1 began at September 2013 and ended at December 2014.

3 Loading and Tidying the Data

3.1 Loading the Raw Data

Access to the data requires users to log-in to the ICPSR website. Thus, a direct download is not possible. This data can be freely downloaded by the public, and therefore a local copy of the data in the form of a tsv file was read using read_tsv from the tidyverse.

#data_raw <- read_tsv("36498-1001-Data.tsv", show_col_types = FALSE)
#saveRDS(data_raw, "36498-1001-Data.Rds")
data_raw = readRDS("36498-1001-Data.Rds")

3.2 Cleaning the Data

3.2.1 Selecting Variables We’ll Use

data_var <- data_raw |>
  select(PERSONID,R01_AE1022,R01_AE0103,R01R_A_AE1006,R01_AE1062,R01_AE1100,R01_AE1099,R01_AE9004,R01_AE9010,R01_AE1050,R01R_A_MINFIRST_ECIG, R01_AE1003)

3.2.2 Dealing with Missingness

The DS1001 dataset provides negative values for variables that are missing. There are several different subtypes of missing data:

  • Data removed due to respondent request
  • Data not ascertained
  • Respondent answer is “Don’t Know”
  • Respondent refused to answer
  • Question inapplicable to respondent

All of these values are negative in the original DS1001 dataset, and none of the variables under study have negative values. It is also not possible for the variables under study to have negative values. Therefore, all negative values were replaced with NA to ensure missing data are correctly identified.

data_var <- data_var|> 
  mutate(across(everything(), function(x){replace(x, which(x<0), NA)}))

3.2.3 Changing Variable Names

The variables were renamed to have better, more readable names.

data_var <- data_var|>
  mutate(ecig_30day = as.integer(R01_AE1022),
         puff_num = as.integer(R01_AE0103),
         age_range = factor(R01R_A_AE1006),
         less_harm = factor(R01_AE1062),
         ecig_reg = factor(R01_AE1100),
         harm_perc = factor(R01_AE1099),
         price_paid = factor(R01_AE9004),
         personid = as.character(PERSONID),
         ecig_nico = as.factor(R01_AE9010),
         ecig_flavored = as.factor(R01_AE1050),
         min_num = as.integer(R01R_A_MINFIRST_ECIG),
         ecig_smoker = factor(R01_AE1003)) |>
  select(personid, ecig_30day,puff_num,age_range,less_harm,ecig_reg,harm_perc,price_paid,ecig_nico, ecig_flavored, min_num, ecig_smoker)

data_var <- data_var |>

3.2.4 Sampling the Data

The dataset was filtered to select only individuals who were users of e-cigarettes at the time of study. The dataset was then filtered to have complete cases on both the outcomes under study, namely ecig_30day and ecig_reg.

data_outcome <- data_var |>
  filter(ecig_smoker == 1 | ecig_smoker == 2)|> # Excluding individuals who did not use e-cigarettes at the time of Wave 1 
  filter(complete.cases(ecig_30day, ecig_reg)) |>
  select(personid, ecig_30day,puff_num,age_range,less_harm,ecig_reg,harm_perc,price_paid,ecig_nico, ecig_flavored, min_num, ecig_smoker)
[1] 3000   12

3000 respondents have information on both the outcome variables under study. After setting a seed for reproducibility, a random sample of 1200 respondents was taken from the data_outcome tibble. This was also done to ensure that the same respondents are analyzed for both regression models.

data_complete <- slice_sample(data_outcome, n = 1200) 

Once a random sample was taken, the tabyl function was used to ensure that all individuals in the tibble data_complete were individuals who had used e-cigarettes.

data_complete |>
  tabyl(ecig_smoker) |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
ecig_smoker n percent
1 41 0.0341667
2 1159 0.9658333
3 0 0.0000000

From the documentation for the original variable name for ecig_smoker(R01_AE1003), the question asked was, ‘Do you now use e-cigarettes?’, with three possible levels.

Value Label Frequency
1 1 = Every day 41
2 2 = Some days 1159
3 3 = Not at all 0

The above table shows the distribution of the responses to the question, demonstrating that all the individuals under study are individuals who were using e-cigarettes at the time of the Wave 1 questionnaire. Individuals who did not use e-cigarettes at the time are not included in the random sample of 1200 respondents.

3.2.5 Working with Categorical Predictors

The tabyl function was used to check if all factor variables have atleast 30 observations at each level.

data_complete |> 
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
age_range n percent valid_percent
1 54 0.0450000 0.0453020
2 365 0.3041667 0.3062081
3 276 0.2300000 0.2315436
4 181 0.1508333 0.1518456
5 169 0.1408333 0.1417785
6 147 0.1225000 0.1233221
NA 8 0.0066667 NA
data_complete |> 
  tabyl(less_harm) |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
less_harm n percent valid_percent
1 955 0.7958333 0.7998325
2 239 0.1991667 0.2001675
NA 6 0.0050000 NA
data_complete |> 
  tabyl(ecig_reg) |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
ecig_reg n percent
1 369 0.3075
2 831 0.6925
data_complete |> 
  tabyl(harm_perc) |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
harm_perc n percent valid_percent
1 822 0.6850000 0.6919192
2 343 0.2858333 0.2887205
3 23 0.0191667 0.0193603
NA 12 0.0100000 NA

The harm_perc variable was found to have a level 3 which only had 23 observations. Factor levels 2 and 3 for harm_perc were collapsed into a single category.

data_complete$harm_perc <- fct_collapse(data_complete$harm_perc,
  '2' = c("2", "3"),
  '1' = "1")

Now, harm_perc has only 2 levels, each with more than 30 distinct values.

data_complete |> 
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
harm_perc n percent valid_percent
1 822 0.685 0.6919192
2 366 0.305 0.3080808
NA 12 0.010 NA
data_complete |> 
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
price_paid n percent valid_percent
1 189 0.1575000 0.2342007
2 260 0.2166667 0.3221809
3 328 0.2733333 0.4064436
4 30 0.0250000 0.0371747
NA 393 0.3275000 NA
data_complete |> 
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
ecig_nico n percent valid_percent
1 320 0.2666667 0.8695652
2 48 0.0400000 0.1304348
NA 832 0.6933333 NA
data_complete |> 
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
ecig_flavored n percent valid_percent
1 246 0.2050 0.6666667
2 123 0.1025 0.3333333
NA 831 0.6925 NA

The other factor variables were found to have at least 30 observations at each level. Furthermore, none of the categorical variables have more than 6 levels.

3.2.6 Working with Quantitative Variables

data_complete |> 
  select(personid, ecig_30day, puff_num, min_num) |>
  summarize(across(personid:min_num, ~ n_distinct(.)))
# A tibble: 1 × 4
  personid ecig_30day puff_num min_num
     <int>      <int>    <int>   <int>
1     1200         28       29      31

The quantitative variables ecig_30day,puff_num and min_num have at least 10 different, ordered, observed values.

data_complete |> 
  select(personid, ecig_30day, puff_num, min_num) |>
  miss_var_summary() |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
variable n_miss pct_miss
min_num 853 71.08333
puff_num 849 70.75000
personid 0 0.00000
ecig_30day 0 0.00000

The miss_var_summary function from the naniar package was used to identify the number of missing values for the continuous variables under study.

3.2.7 Renaming the factors

The categorical variables had their factors renamed to make the data more readable. The final tidy tibble was designated as data_final.

data_final <- data_complete|>
  mutate(age_range = fct_recode(factor(age_range),
                                "<18" = "1",
                                "18to24" = "2",
                                "25to34" = "3",
                                "35to44" = "4",
                                "45to54" = "5",
                                ">55" = "6"),
         less_harm = fct_recode(factor(less_harm),
                                "Yes" = "1",
                                "No" = "2"),
         ecig_reg = fct_recode(factor(ecig_reg),
                               "Yes" = "1",
                               "No" = "2"),
         harm_perc = fct_recode(factor(harm_perc),
                                "less_harm" = "1",
                                "same_or_more" = "2"),
         price_paid = fct_recode(factor(price_paid),
                                 "Below$10" = "1",
                                 "$10to$20" = "2",
                                 "$21to$100" = "3",
                                 ">$100" = "4"),
         ecig_nico = fct_recode(factor(ecig_nico),
                                "Yes" = "1",
                                "No" = "2"),
         ecig_flavored = fct_recode(factor(ecig_flavored),
                                "Yes" = "1",
                                "No" = "2"))

3.2.8 Splitting the Data

Once a random sample of 1200 respondents was taken, the data was separated into two tibbles for the purpose of describing the data under study for the two models. data_log denotes the dataset for the logistic regression, and data_lin denotes the dataset for the linear regression.

data_lin <- data_final|>
data_log <- data_final|>

4 The Tidy Tibble

4.1 Listing the Tibble

The tidy tibble, data_final, was listed.

# A tibble: 1,200 × 12
   personid   ecig_30day puff_num age_range less_harm ecig_reg harm_perc   
   <chr>           <int>    <int> <fct>     <fct>     <fct>    <fct>       
 1 P000319879          1       NA <18       Yes       No       less_harm   
 2 P000255041          0       NA 25to34    Yes       Yes      less_harm   
 3 P000413552          2       NA 35to44    Yes       No       same_or_more
 4 P000239368          1       NA 45to54    Yes       No       less_harm   
 5 P000334022          1       NA 35to44    Yes       No       less_harm   
 6 P000151148         25       NA 45to54    Yes       Yes      less_harm   
 7 P000423889          2       NA 45to54    No        No       same_or_more
 8 P000264820         24        4 35to44    No        No       less_harm   
 9 P000321341          2       NA 45to54    No        No       same_or_more
10 P000200073          2       NA 25to34    No        No       same_or_more
# ℹ 1,190 more rows
# ℹ 5 more variables: price_paid <fct>, ecig_nico <fct>, ecig_flavored <fct>,
#   min_num <int>, ecig_smoker <fct>

4.2 Size and Identifiers

There are 1200 rows, with 12 columns in the final tibble data_final. One of these columns

[1] 1200   12

The personid variable provides the identifier for each row in the tidy tibble. The n_distinct function was used to demonstrate 1200 individual values for personid in data_final, indicating that each row has a unique personid value.

[1] 1200

4.3 Save The Tibble

The saveRDS function was used to save the tidy tibble in a .rds file.

write_rds(data_final, file = "data_final.Rds")

5 The Code Book

5.1 Defining the Variables

Variable Original DS1001 code Description | Type | Analytic Role | Missing values
personid PERSONID Unique Participant Identifier Character variable Unique Identifier 0
ecig_30day R01_AE1022 On how many of the past 30 days did the participant use an e-cigarette? Quantitative Variable Linear Regression Outcome 0
puff_num R01_AE0103 How many puffs from an e-cigarette did the participant take the last time they smoked an e-cigarette? Quantitative Variable Predictor 849
age_range R01R_A_AE1006

How old was the participant when they first used an e-cigarette, even one or two times?

6 levels:<18,18to24,



Multi-Categorical Variable with 6 factors Predictor 8
less_harm R01_AE1062

Did the participant use / used to use e-cigarettes because they might be / have been less harmful to them?

2 levels: yes, no

Binary Categorical Variable Predictor 6
ecig_reg R01_AE1100

Has the participant ever used e-cigarettes fairly regularly?

2 levels:yes,no

Binary Categorical Variable Logistic regression Outcome 0
harm_perc R01_AE1099

To the participant, is using e-cigarettes less harmful, about the same, or more harmful than smoking cigarettes?

2 levels:1,2

Binary Categorical Variable Predictor 12
price_paid R01_AE9004

About how much did the participant pay for their e-cigarette?

4 levels: Below$10,$10to$20,

$21t$100, >$100

Multi-Categorical Variable with 4 factors Predictor 393
ecig_nico R01_AE9010

Does the e-cigarette the participant usually uses contain nicotine?

2 levels:yes,no

Binary Categorical Variable Predictor 832
ecig_flavored R01_AE9010

Is the regular / last brand of e-cigarettes used by the participant flavored to taste like menthol, mint,clove, spice, candy, fruit, chocolate, alcohol or other sweets?

2 levels:yes,no

Binary Categorical Variable Predictor 831
min_num R01R_A_MINFIRST_ECIG Amount of time from waking to smoking first e-cigarette of any given day (in minutes). Quantitative Variable Predictor 853

The levels of the categorical variables and their description are as follows:


How old was the participant when they first used an e-cigarette, even one or two times?

Level Description Distinct Observations in Level
<18 Less than 18 years old 54
18to24 18 to 24 years old 365
25to34 25 to 34 years old 276
35to44 35 to 44 years old 181
45to54 45 to 54 years old 169
>55 55 years old or older 147


Did the participant use / used to use e-cigarettes because they might be / have been less harmful to them?

Level Description Distinct Observations in Level
yes Yes 955
no No 239


Has the participant ever used e-cigarettes fairly regularly?

Level Description Distinct Observations in Level
yes Yes 369
no No 831


To the participant, is using e-cigarettes less harmful, about the same, or more harmful than smoking cigarettes?

Level Description Distinct Observations in Level
1 Less harmful 822
2 About the Same / More harmful 366


About how much did the participant pay for their e-cigarette?

Level Description Distinct Observations in Level
Below$10 Less than $10 189
$10to$20 $10 to $20 260
$21to$100 $21 to $100 328
>$100 More than $100 30


Does the e-cigarette the participant usually uses contain nicotine?

Level Description Distinct Observations in Level
yes Yes 320
no No 48


Is the regular/last brand of e-cigarettes used by the participant flavored to taste like menthol, mint, clove, spice, candy, fruit, chocolate, alcohol or other sweets?

Level Description Distinct Observations in Level
yes Yes 246
no No 123

5.2 Numerical Description

The describe function from the Hmisc package was used on the entire tibble.


 12  Variables      1200  Observations
       n  missing distinct 
    1200        0     1200 

lowest : P000000176 P000000318 P000000457 P000001710 P000001806
highest: P000497409 P000498677 P000499021 P000499448 P000499846
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1200        0       28    0.972     5.11    6.663        0        0 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
       0        2        6       15       20 

lowest :  0  1  2  3  4, highest: 25 26 28 29 30
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
     351      849       28     0.99    10.77    10.15        2        3 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
       4        6       10       25       30 

lowest :   1   2   3   4   5, highest:  50  51  60  75 100
       n  missing distinct 
    1192        8        6 
Value         <18 18to24 25to34 35to44 45to54    >55
Frequency      54    365    276    181    169    147
Proportion  0.045  0.306  0.232  0.152  0.142  0.123
       n  missing distinct 
    1194        6        2 
Value      Yes  No
Frequency  955 239
Proportion 0.8 0.2
       n  missing distinct 
    1200        0        2 
Value        Yes    No
Frequency    369   831
Proportion 0.308 0.693
       n  missing distinct 
    1188       12        2 
Value         less_harm same_or_more
Frequency           822          366
Proportion        0.692        0.308
       n  missing distinct 
     807      393        4 
Value       Below$10  $10to$20 $21to$100     >$100
Frequency        189       260       328        30
Proportion     0.234     0.322     0.406     0.037
       n  missing distinct 
     368      832        2 
Value       Yes   No
Frequency   320   48
Proportion 0.87 0.13
       n  missing distinct 
     369      831        2 
Value        Yes    No
Frequency    246   123
Proportion 0.667 0.333
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
     347      853       30    0.993    149.1      182        3        5 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
      15       60      240      360      522 

lowest :    1    2    3    4    5, highest:  720  780  840  900 1020
       n  missing distinct 
    1200        0        2 
Value          1     2
Frequency     41  1159
Proportion 0.034 0.966

6 Linear Regression Plans

6.1 My First Research Question

E-Cigarette Perception, Smoking Habits, and their association with Heavy E-Cigarette Use:

Are smoking e-cigarettes that contain nicotine, the perception of the purported healthiness of e-cigarettes when compared to smoking regular cigarettes, and smoking habits strong predictors of heavy e-cigarette use in adulthood?

6.2 My Quantitative Outcome

The quantitative variable I will be predicting is ecig_30day.

In the United States, e-cigarettes are not subject to the same marketing and promotion restrictions that apply to cigarettes. E-cigarette companies are permitted to advertise their products through mass media, and via the internet. Previous studies have demonstrated that e-cigarettes companies exacerbate and expand the tobacco epidemic by bringing lower risk youth into the market.[1] E-Cigarette use among young adults has been rapidly expanding, and has surpassed conventional cigarette use among young adults.[2]

From a study conducted in 2017, while the demographic and behavioral risk profiles of most youth who reported smoking cigarettes (both cigarettes and e-cigarettes) are consistent with smoking cigarettes, the risk profiles of the remaining e-cigarette-only users (about 25% of e-cigarette users) suggested that these individuals would have been unlikely to have initiated tobacco product use with cigarettes.[3]

E-cigarettes are reducing smoking cessation rates and expanding the nicotine market by attracting low-risk youth who would be unlikely to initiate nicotine use with conventional cigarettes.[4]

By attempting to predict higher use of e-cigarettes in the past 30 days(at the time of data collection) with the variables under study, the association between e-cigarette perception and smoking habits with heavy e-cigarette use can be studied.

data_lin |>
  filter(complete.cases(ecig_30day)) |>
[1] 1200    6

Out of the 1200 rows in data_lin, all 1200 have complete data on the outcome variable ecig_30day.

p1 <- 
  ggplot(data_lin, aes(x = ecig_30day)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 15, 
  fill = "#2b8cbe", col = "white") +
  labs( x = "Number of days used an e-cigarette", y ="")

p2 <- 
  ggplot(data_lin, aes(sample = ecig_30day)) + 
  geom_qq(col = "#2b8cbe") + geom_qq_line(col = "red") +
  labs(x = "", y = "Number of days used an e-cigarette")

p3 <- 
  ggplot(data_lin, aes(x = "", y = ecig_30day)) +
  geom_violin(fill = "#2b8cbe", alpha = 0.3) + 
  geom_boxplot(fill = "#2b8cbe", width = 0.3,
               outlier.color = "red") +
  labs(y = "Number of days used an e-cigarette", x = "") + coord_flip()

p2 + p1 - p3 +
  plot_layout(ncol = 1, height = c(3, 2)) + 
  plot_annotation(title = "Distribution of the number of days participants used an e-cigarette in the past 30 days",
         subtitle = glue("Across ", nrow(data_lin), 
                           " participants, taken as a random sample from the DS1001 dataset."),
         caption = "Data taken from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study.")

The distribution is very notably right skewed. Taking the logarithm of the outcome variable might help in making it’s distribution more normalized.

       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
    1200        0       28    0.972     5.11    6.663        0        0 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
       0        2        6       15       20 

lowest :  0  1  2  3  4, highest: 25 26 28 29 30

The describe function shows that there are 28 distinct values for the ecig_30day variable, and the variable has at least 10 different, ordered, observed values.

6.3 My Planned Predictors (Linear Model)

The inputs that will be used in the linear regression model are:

  • puff_num: This is a quantitative variable that has atleast 10 distinct, ordered, observed values.
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
     351      849       28     0.99    10.77    10.15        2        3 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
       4        6       10       25       30 

lowest :   1   2   3   4   5, highest:  50  51  60  75 100
  • age_range: This is a categorical variable which has 6 categories, that has at least 30 observations in each level of the factor.
  tabyl(age_range) |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
age_range n percent valid_percent
<18 54 0.0450000 0.0453020
18to24 365 0.3041667 0.3062081
25to34 276 0.2300000 0.2315436
35to44 181 0.1508333 0.1518456
45to54 169 0.1408333 0.1417785
>55 147 0.1225000 0.1233221
NA 8 0.0066667 NA
  • less_harm, which is a binary categorical variable.
  tabyl(less_harm) |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
less_harm n percent valid_percent
Yes 955 0.7958333 0.7998325
No 239 0.1991667 0.2001675
NA 6 0.0050000 NA
  • ecig_nico, which is a binary categorical variable.
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
ecig_nico n percent valid_percent
Yes 320 0.2666667 0.8695652
No 48 0.0400000 0.1304348
NA 832 0.6933333 NA

There are a total of 4 predictors.

datatest1 <- data_lin |>
  filter(complete.cases(personid,ecig_30day,puff_num,age_range,less_harm,ecig_nico)) |>
[1] 137   6

With 137 rows having complete observations on all the variables under study, [4 + (N1 - 100)/100] is 4.3, and the number of predictors does not exceed this value.

From the cited literature,

I expect higher values of puff_num to be associated with higher values of ecig_30day. For less_harm and ecig_nico, I expect the yes factor to be associated with higher values of ecig_30day, ie, as the two variables change from no to yes, the value of ecig_30day is expected to increase.

I expect the lower levels of age_range to be associated with higher values of ecig_30day, ie, as age_range factors go from the lowest factors to the higher factors, I expect ecig_30day to decrease.

7 Logistic Regression Plans

7.1 My Second Research Question

Regular e-cigarette use and it’s associated factors:

Are factors such as using flavored e-cigarettes, or needing to use e-cigarettes immediately after waking up, or using e-cigarettes with nicotine, or use of e-cigarettes as a healthier alternative to regular cigarettes associated with regular e-cigarette use?

7.2 My Binary Outcome

The binary outcome I will be predicting is ecig_reg.

In the United States, e-cigarettes and their market value have rapidly expanded over the past years.[2] E-cigarette use and it’s prevalent adoption have resulted in youth and young adults who would otherwise not have been exposed to nicotine/tobacco products to begin the use of the drug via e-cigarettes.[3]

Reasons for this increased use of e-cigarettes are many, including the perception of e-cigarettes as being healthier than regular cigarettes, the presence of flavored e-cigarettes available for use, and the availability of cheap, refillable cartridges that only require e-cigarette fluid.[1] By attempting to predict the odds of being a regular user of e-cigarettes using the predictors under study, the association between these factors and the odds of adoption of regular e-cigarette use can be more thoroughly studied.

  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
ecig_reg n percent
Yes 369 0.3075
No 831 0.6925

There are no missing values for the outcome variable.

7.3 My Planned Predictors (Logistic Model)

For the logistic regression model, the following are the predictors I intend to use:

  • min_num: This is a quantitative variable that has atleast 10 distinct, ordered, observed values.
       n  missing distinct     Info     Mean      Gmd      .05      .10 
     347      853       30    0.993    149.1      182        3        5 
     .25      .50      .75      .90      .95 
      15       60      240      360      522 

lowest :    1    2    3    4    5, highest:  720  780  840  900 1020
  • price_paid: This is a categorical variable which has 4 categories, that has at least 30 observations in each level of the factor.
data_log |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
price_paid n percent valid_percent
Below$10 189 0.1575000 0.2342007
$10to$20 260 0.2166667 0.3221809
$21to$100 328 0.2733333 0.4064436
>$100 30 0.0250000 0.0371747
NA 393 0.3275000 NA
  • harm_perc, which is a binary categorical variable.
data_log |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
harm_perc n percent valid_percent
less_harm 822 0.685 0.6919192
same_or_more 366 0.305 0.3080808
NA 12 0.010 NA

-ecig_nico, which is a binary categorical variable.

data_log |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
ecig_nico n percent valid_percent
Yes 320 0.2666667 0.8695652
No 48 0.0400000 0.1304348
NA 832 0.6933333 NA

-ecig_flavored, which is a binary categorical variable.

data_log |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
ecig_flavored n percent valid_percent
Yes 246 0.2050 0.6666667
No 123 0.1025 0.3333333
NA 831 0.6925 NA

There are 5 predictors.

With 369 subjects in the smaller of my two outcome groups, [4 + (N2 - 100)/100] is 6.69, and the number of predictors does not exceed this value.

From the cited literature,

I expect lower values of min_num to be associated with higher odds of being in the yes category of ecig_reg.I also expect lower values of price_paid to be associated with higher odds of being in the yes category of ecig_reg. I also expect yes values for ecig_nico and ecig_flavored to be associated with higher odds of being in the yes category of ecig_reg. I expect less_harm values for harm_perc to be associated with higher odds of being in the yes category of ecig_reg.

8 Linear Regression Analyses

8.1 Missingness

data_lin |>
  miss_var_summary() |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
variable n_miss pct_miss
puff_num 849 70.7500000
ecig_nico 832 69.3333333
age_range 8 0.6666667
less_harm 6 0.5000000
personid 0 0.0000000
ecig_30day 0 0.0000000

There is missing data in all of the variables under study, and the outcome variable ecig_30day does not have any missing values. There are missing predictor values for more than 10% of the subjects under study, and more than 50 subjects have missing values.

The data can be assumed to be MAR (Missing At Random), since the missing data are not randomly distributed. It cannot be assumed to be MNAR (Missing Not At Random) since there does not appear to be a relationship between the magnitude of a value and it’s missingness (or inclusion in the non-missing data), since there is no preponderance of values with lower or higher magnitude being missing.

Single imputation was then performed on the dataset, to account for missingness. The complete dataset, containing the data for both the analyses had it’s missing values imputed.

data_final_i <- data_final |> data.frame() |>
  impute_rhd(less_harm ~ ecig_30day + ecig_reg) |>
  impute_rhd(age_range ~ ecig_30day + ecig_reg + less_harm) |>
  impute_rhd(ecig_nico ~ age_range ) |>
  impute_rlm(puff_num ~ ecig_30day ) |>
  impute_cart(harm_perc ~ ecig_reg) |>
  impute_cart(price_paid ~ ecig_reg + harm_perc) |>
  impute_cart(ecig_flavored ~ ecig_reg + price_paid) |>
  impute_cart(ecig_nico ~ ecig_reg + ecig_flavored) |>
  impute_pmm(min_num ~ ecig_30day + age_range + less_harm) |>
data_lin_i <- data_final_i |>

The imputed dataset was then checked to see if it was still missing any values.

miss_var_summary(data_lin_i) |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
variable n_miss pct_miss
personid 0 0
ecig_30day 0 0
puff_num 0 0
ecig_nico 0 0
age_range 0 0
less_harm 0 0

8.2 Outcome Transformation

The distribution of the outcome variable was plotted.

p1 <- 
  ggplot(data_lin_i, aes(x = ecig_30day)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 15, 
  fill = "#2b8cbe", col = "white") +
  labs( x = "Number of days used an e-cigarette", y ="")

p2 <- 
  ggplot(data_lin_i, aes(sample = ecig_30day)) + 
  geom_qq(col = "#2b8cbe") + geom_qq_line(col = "red") +
  labs(x = "", y = "Number of days used an e-cigarette")

p3 <- 
  ggplot(data_lin_i, aes(x = "", y = ecig_30day)) +
  geom_violin(fill = "#2b8cbe", alpha = 0.3) + 
  geom_boxplot(fill = "#2b8cbe", width = 0.3,
               outlier.color = "red") +
  labs(y = "Number of days used an e-cigarette", x = "") + coord_flip()

p2 + p1 - p3 +
  plot_layout(ncol = 1, height = c(3, 2)) + 
  plot_annotation(title = "Distribution of the number of days participants used an e-cigarette in the past 30 days",
         subtitle = glue("Across ", nrow(data_lin_i), 
                           " participants, taken as a random sample from the DS1001 dataset."),
         caption = "Data taken from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study.")

The outcome variable was modified so that the data would be strictly positive, making it possible to assess the need for transformation. 1 was added to each value.

data_lin_i <- data_lin_i |>
  mutate(int_ecig_30day = ecig_30day + 1) 
boxCox(data_lin_i$int_ecig_30day ~ 1)

powerTransform(data_lin_i$int_ecig_30day ~ 1)
Estimated transformation parameter 

The Box-Cox plot peaks at a Y value of -0.19, which is approximately close enough to -1 to justify using -1 on Tukey’s ladder of power transformations, which suggests taking the inverse of the outcome.

p1 <- 
  ggplot(data_lin_i, aes(x = log(int_ecig_30day))) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 15, 
  fill = "#2b8cbe", col = "white") +
  labs( x = "Natural Logarithm of the Number of days participant used an e-cigarette", y ="")

p2 <- 
  ggplot(data_lin_i, aes(sample = log(int_ecig_30day))) + 
  geom_qq(col = "#2b8cbe") + geom_qq_line(col = "red") +
  labs(x = "", y = str_wrap("Natural Logarithm of the Number of days participant used an e-cigarette", width = 50))

p3 <- 
  ggplot(data_lin_i, aes(x = "", y = log(int_ecig_30day))) +
  geom_violin(fill = "#2b8cbe", alpha = 0.3) + 
  geom_boxplot(fill = "#2b8cbe", width = 0.3,
               outlier.color = "red") +
  labs(y = "Natural Logarithm of the Number of days participant used an e-cigarette", x = "") + coord_flip()

p2 + p1 - p3 +
  plot_layout(ncol = 1, height = c(3, 2)) + 
  plot_annotation(title = "Distribution of the natural logarithm of the number of days participants used an e-cigarette in the past 30 days",
         subtitle = glue("Across ", nrow(data_lin_i), 
                           " participants, taken as a random sample from the DS1001 dataset."),
         caption = "Data taken from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study.")

8.3 Scatterplot Matrix and Collinearity

A new variable log_ecig_30day was created by taking the natural logarithm of the outcome variable, which itself was modified by adding 1 to each of it’s values.

data_lin_i <- data_lin_i |>
  mutate(log_ecig_30day = log(int_ecig_30day))

The ggpairs function was used to plot a scatterplot matrix.

ggpairs(data_lin_i, columns = c("puff_num", "age_range", "less_harm", 
                               "ecig_nico", "log_ecig_30day"))

mod_A was fit using the lm function. The vif function from the car package was used to estimate if the variables had significant collinearity with each other.

mod_A_car <- lm(ecig_30day ~ puff_num + age_range + less_harm + ecig_nico, data = data_lin_i )
              GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
puff_num  1.011415  1        1.005691
age_range 1.045301  5        1.004440
less_harm 1.006246  1        1.003118
ecig_nico 1.044649  1        1.022081

From the output, the variables do not seem to have significant collinearity with each other.

8.4 Model A

8.4.1 Fitting Model A

Model A was fit using both lm and ols. The outcome variable is log_ecig_30day, and the predictors are puff_num (A Quantitative variable), age_range (A multi-categorical variable), less_harm and ecig_nico(both binary variables).

mod_A <- lm(log_ecig_30day ~ puff_num + age_range + less_harm + ecig_nico, data = data_lin_i )
dd <- datadist(data_lin_i)
options(datadist = "dd")
mod_A_ols <- ols(log_ecig_30day ~ puff_num + age_range + less_harm + ecig_nico, data = data_lin_i, 
                 x = TRUE, y = TRUE )

8.4.2 Tidied Coefficient Estimates (Model A)

With confidence levels of 90%, the lm model (mod_A) had it’s coefficients tidied and placed in a table that was presented using kable.

tidy(mod_A, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.90) |>
  select(term, estimate, se = std.error, 
         low90 = conf.low, high90 = conf.high, 
         p = p.value) |>
  kable(digits = 3) |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
term estimate se low90 high90 p
(Intercept) 0.980 0.138 0.753 1.207 0.000
puff_num 0.055 0.004 0.048 0.062 0.000
age_range18to24 -0.204 0.142 -0.437 0.030 0.151
age_range25to34 -0.082 0.145 -0.320 0.157 0.574
age_range35to44 -0.169 0.151 -0.417 0.080 0.263
age_range45to54 -0.040 0.152 -0.290 0.210 0.794
age_range>55 0.068 0.155 -0.187 0.324 0.660
less_harmNo -0.183 0.070 -0.298 -0.067 0.009
ecig_nicoNo -0.117 0.086 -0.258 0.024 0.172

8.4.3 Summarizing Fit (Model A)

Using the glance function. the numerical summaries of mod_A’s fit were placed in a table.

glance(mod_A) |>
  select(r2 = r.squared, adjr2 = adj.r.squared, sigma, 
         AIC, BIC, nobs, df, df.residual) |>
  kable(digits = c(3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))|>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
r2 adjr2 sigma AIC BIC nobs df df.residual
0.142 0.137 0.97 3350.3 3401.2 1200 8 1191

8.4.4 Regression Diagnostics (Model A)

The four main diagnostic residual plots were visualized.

par(mfrow = c(2,2)); plot(mod_A); par(mfrow = c(1,1))

From the normal Q-Q plot, there appears to be serious problems with the assumption of normality, despite the transformation of the outcome variable. There is also a definite pattern in the residuals vs fitted values plot, which has implications regarding the assumption of linearity. The scale-location plot also has a definite non-linear pattern, indicating problems with the assumption of constant variance.

8.5 Non-Linearity

Adding a non-linear term to model A might help with the problems visualized with the various assumptions made in a linear regression model. A Spearman \(p^2\) plot was made with the predictors in model A.

plot(spearman2(log_ecig_30day ~ puff_num + age_range + less_harm + ecig_nico, data = data_lin_i ))

From the plot, if a non-linear term were to improve the fit of the model, the predictor most likely to do so would be puff_num, followed much less closely by less_harm.

A restricted cubic spline with 4 knots in puff_num was then added to the model, spending 2 additional degrees of freedom as compared to model A (with the main effect of puff_num).

An interaction term between the main effects of puff_num and less_harm was added to the model, spending a single additional degree of freedom.

Overall, this would result in 3 additional degrees of freedom being spent.

8.6 Model B

8.6.1 Fitting Model B

Using lm and ols, model B was fit, using a restricted cubic spline on puff_num and an interaction term between the main effects of puff_num and less_harm.

mod_B <- lm(log_ecig_30day ~ rcs(puff_num,4) + age_range + less_harm + ecig_nico + puff_num%ia%less_harm, data = data_lin_i )
dd <- datadist(data_lin_i)
options(datadist = "dd")

mod_B_ols <- ols(log_ecig_30day ~ rcs(puff_num,4) + age_range + less_harm + ecig_nico + puff_num%ia%less_harm, data = data_lin_i,
                 x = TRUE, y = TRUE)

8.6.2 Tidied Coefficient Estimates (Model B)

mod_B had it’s coefficients tidied with a 90% confidence interval and placed in a tidy table.

tidy(mod_B, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.90) |>
  select(term, estimate, se = std.error, 
         low90 = conf.low, high90 = conf.high, 
         p = p.value) |>
  kable(digits = 3) |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
term estimate se low90 high90 p
(Intercept) 3.476 0.214 3.124 3.828 0.000
rcs(puff_num, 4)puff_num -0.620 0.040 -0.686 -0.554 0.000
rcs(puff_num, 4)puff_num' 11.472 0.493 10.660 12.283 0.000
rcs(puff_num, 4)puff_num'' -57.329 2.382 -61.251 -53.408 0.000
age_range18to24 -0.103 0.112 -0.287 0.081 0.357
age_range25to34 0.020 0.114 -0.169 0.208 0.863
age_range35to44 -0.060 0.119 -0.256 0.135 0.612
age_range45to54 0.025 0.120 -0.173 0.222 0.838
age_range>55 0.155 0.122 -0.047 0.356 0.206
less_harmNo 0.144 0.114 -0.043 0.331 0.204
ecig_nicoNo -0.121 0.068 -0.232 -0.009 0.076
puff_num %ia% less_harm -0.031 0.014 -0.054 -0.008 0.029

8.6.3 Effects Plot for Model B

The effects plot for model mod_B_ols was created.


8.6.4 Summarizing Fit (Model B)

Using the glance function, the numerical summaries of model B’s fit were placed in a table.

glance(mod_B) |>
  select(r2 = r.squared, adjr2 = adj.r.squared, sigma, 
         AIC, BIC, nobs, df, df.residual) |>
  kable(digits = c(3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
r2 adjr2 sigma AIC BIC nobs df df.residual
0.468 0.463 0.77 2782.8 2849 1200 11 1188

8.6.5 Regression Diagnostics (Model B)

The four residual diagnostic plots for model B were obtained.

par(mfrow = c(2,2)); plot(mod_B); par(mfrow = c(1,1))

The residual plots are improved from the plots in model A. The q-q plot follows a more normal distribution. The residuals vs fitted values plot shows a more linear line, and the scale-location plot shows a more linear model as well. The assumptions of normality, linearity and constant variance are adhered to more rigorously in the residuals of model B, as compared to model A.

While there are significant outliers in the q-q plot, the residuals vs leverage plot does not show points that have a Cook’s distance of more than 0.5, indicating that these outliers do not exert an undue influence on the model. There are points that have an unusual combination of predictor variables, but their influence on the model is not significant.

8.7 Validating Models A and B

After setting a seed, the data_lin_i dataset was divided into a training and a testing sample. Two models were created, one model with linear terms alone, and the other model with the non-linear terms recommended by the Spearman \(p^2\) plot. The coefficients obtained from these models were then used to obtain the predicted log_ecig_30day values in the holdout test sample.


data_lin_split <- initial_split(data_lin_i, prop = 0.7)
data_lin_train <- training(data_lin_split)
data_lin_test <- testing(data_lin_split)

Functions from the yardstick package were used to obtain key summary of fit statistics for both the models’ predictions of the holdout testing sample. The metrics were then placed in a tibble and displayed using kable.

mod_A_train <- ols(log_ecig_30day ~ puff_num + age_range + less_harm + ecig_nico, data = data_lin_train)
mod_B_train <- ols(log_ecig_30day ~ rcs(puff_num,4) + age_range + less_harm + ecig_nico + puff_num%ia%less_harm,
                  data = data_lin_train )
mod_A_test_aug <- augment(mod_A, newdata = data_lin_test)
mod_B_test_aug <- augment(mod_B, newdata = data_lin_test)
rep1 <- rmse(data = mod_A_test_aug, truth = log_ecig_30day, estimate = .fitted)
rep2 <- rmse(data = mod_B_test_aug, truth = log_ecig_30day, estimate = .fitted)
rep3 <- rsq(data = mod_A_test_aug, truth = log_ecig_30day, estimate = .fitted)
rep4 <- rsq(data = mod_B_test_aug, truth = log_ecig_30day, estimate = .fitted)
rep5 <- mae(data = mod_A_test_aug, truth = log_ecig_30day, estimate = .fitted)
rep6 <- mae(data = mod_B_test_aug, truth = log_ecig_30day, estimate = .fitted)
rep_full <- bind_rows(rep1, rep2, rep3, rep4, rep5, rep6)
rep_full <- rep_full |> 
  mutate(Models = c("Model A Holdout RMSE","Model B Holdout RMSE","Model A Holdout $R^2$","Model B Holdout $R^2$","Model A Holdout MAE","Model B Holdout MAE"))
rep_full <- rep_full |>
  select(Models, Metric = .metric, Estimate = .estimate)
rep_full |> kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
Models Metric Estimate
Model A Holdout RMSE rmse 0.9562983
Model B Holdout RMSE rmse 0.7614010
Model A Holdout $R^2$ rsq 0.1708639
Model B Holdout $R^2$ rsq 0.4727390
Model A Holdout MAE mae 0.8158778
Model B Holdout MAE mae 0.6037231

8.7.1 Holdout RMSE, \(R^2\) and MAE

Model Holdout RMSE Holdout \(R^2\) Holdout MAE
A 0.9563 0.1709 0.8159
B 0.7614 0.4727 0.5992

8.7.2 Validated \(R^2\), MSE and IC statistics

After setting a seed, the validate function was used to obtain the validated R-squared and MSE values for models A and B.

set.seed(4322023); (valA <- validate(mod_A_ols)) 
          index.orig training   test optimism index.corrected  n
R-square      0.1423   0.1495 0.1330   0.0165          0.1258 40
MSE           0.9393   0.9284 0.9495  -0.0210          0.9603 40
g             0.3083   0.3251 0.3141   0.0110          0.2972 40
Intercept     0.0000   0.0000 0.0266  -0.0266          0.0266 40
Slope         1.0000   1.0000 0.9811   0.0189          0.9811 40
set.seed(4322023); (valB <- validate(mod_B_ols))
          index.orig training   test optimism index.corrected  n
R-square      0.4682   0.4825 0.4596   0.0229          0.4452 40
MSE           0.5824   0.5647 0.5918  -0.0272          0.6096 40
g             0.7450   0.7545 0.7403   0.0142          0.7308 40
Intercept     0.0000   0.0000 0.0273  -0.0273          0.0273 40
Slope         1.0000   1.0000 0.9757   0.0243          0.9757 40
Model Validated \(R^2\) Validated MSE AIC BIC DF
A 0.1258 0.9603 3349.8 3400.7 8
B 0.4452 0.6096 2782.8 2849 11

8.7.3 ANOVA to compare Models A and B

anova(mod_A, mod_B)
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: log_ecig_30day ~ puff_num + age_range + less_harm + ecig_nico
Model 2: log_ecig_30day ~ rcs(puff_num, 4) + age_range + less_harm + ecig_nico + 
    puff_num %ia% less_harm
  Res.Df     RSS Df Sum of Sq      F    Pr(>F)    
1   1191 1127.17                                  
2   1188  698.93  3    428.24 242.63 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

This ANOVA table shows that model B has 3 additional degrees of freedom as compared to model A, and that adding non linear terms has resulted in a significant improvement in the predictive power of the model.

8.8 Final Linear Regression Model

I prefer Model B, because:

  • Model B has a higher validated \(R^2\), and a higher holdout sample \(R^2\).

  • Model B has a lower validated MSE (Mean Squared Error) and a lower holdout RMSE.

  • Model B has a lower holdout MAE, and a lower AIC and BIC.

  • Model B’s residual plots show that the assumptions of linearity, normality and non-heteroscedasticity are not violated.

8.8.1 Winning Model’s Parameter Estimates

The model B’s raw and adjusted \(R^2\) were obtained.

Linear Regression Model

ols(formula = log_ecig_30day ~ rcs(puff_num, 4) + age_range + 
    less_harm + ecig_nico + puff_num %ia% less_harm, data = data_lin_i, 
    x = TRUE, y = TRUE)

                Model Likelihood    Discrimination    
                      Ratio Test           Indexes    
Obs    1200    LR chi2    757.68    R2       0.468    
sigma0.7670    d.f.           11    R2 adj   0.463    
d.f.   1188    Pr(> chi2) 0.0000    g        0.745    


     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-3.17538 -0.63628  0.04184  0.48501  2.62802 

                        Coef     S.E.   t      Pr(>|t|)
Intercept                 3.4764 0.2139  16.26 <0.0001 
puff_num                 -0.6200 0.0398 -15.57 <0.0001 
puff_num'                11.4717 0.4931  23.26 <0.0001 
puff_num''              -57.3292 2.3822 -24.07 <0.0001 
age_range=18to24         -0.1032 0.1119  -0.92 0.3568  
age_range=25to34          0.0197 0.1143   0.17 0.8635  
age_range=35to44         -0.0605 0.1190  -0.51 0.6115  
age_range=45to54          0.0246 0.1199   0.20 0.8377  
age_range=>55             0.1549 0.1224   1.27 0.2059  
less_harm=No              0.1445 0.1136   1.27 0.2037  
ecig_nico=No             -0.1206 0.0678  -1.78 0.0756  
puff_num * less_harm=No  -0.0309 0.0141  -2.19 0.0290  

8.8.2 Model Coefficients

Model B’s coefficients were obtained with 90% confidence intervals and presented using kable.

tidy_mod_B <- tidy(mod_B, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.90)

tidy_mod_B |>
  kbl(digits = 4) |> 
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24, full_width = F)
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
(Intercept) 3.4764 0.2139 16.2554 0.0000 3.1243 3.8284
rcs(puff_num, 4)puff_num -0.6200 0.0398 -15.5677 0.0000 -0.6855 -0.5544
rcs(puff_num, 4)puff_num' 11.4717 0.4931 23.2637 0.0000 10.6599 12.2834
rcs(puff_num, 4)puff_num'' -57.3292 2.3822 -24.0658 0.0000 -61.2506 -53.4078
age_range18to24 -0.1032 0.1119 -0.9219 0.3568 -0.2874 0.0811
age_range25to34 0.0197 0.1143 0.1720 0.8635 -0.1685 0.2079
age_range35to44 -0.0605 0.1190 -0.5080 0.6115 -0.2564 0.1355
age_range45to54 0.0246 0.1199 0.2048 0.8377 -0.1728 0.2219
age_range>55 0.1549 0.1224 1.2655 0.2059 -0.0466 0.3564
less_harmNo 0.1445 0.1136 1.2718 0.2037 -0.0425 0.3314
ecig_nicoNo -0.1206 0.0678 -1.7783 0.0756 -0.2322 -0.0090
puff_num %ia% less_harm -0.0309 0.0141 -2.1867 0.0290 -0.0541 -0.0076

The coefficients for the non-linear term are significantly larger than expected. Given that the outcome of interest is a count outcome, and the predictor (puff_num) has a very intuitive relationship with the outcome variable, in that individuals who have a zero for their outcome (ecig_30day) could be expected to have significantly lower (or even zero) values of puff_num, and individuals with any particular value of puff_num would have a collinear relationship with the outcome variable. It can be reasonably expected that the model is being driven significantly towards a particular value of log_ecig_30day, which could result in the exploding coefficients seen in the table of coefficients.

This indicates that model B is not the ideal sort of model to be used for a count outcome like ecig_30day.

Following this, the validated \(R^2\) was also obtained, along with the validated MSE.

set.seed(4322023); (valB_imp <- validate(mod_B_ols))
          index.orig training   test optimism index.corrected  n
R-square      0.4682   0.4825 0.4596   0.0229          0.4452 40
MSE           0.5824   0.5647 0.5918  -0.0272          0.6096 40
g             0.7450   0.7545 0.7403   0.0142          0.7308 40
Intercept     0.0000   0.0000 0.0273  -0.0273          0.0273 40
Slope         1.0000   1.0000 0.9757   0.0243          0.9757 40

An ANOVA test performed on mod_B_ols shows that a non linear term (a restricted cubic spline with 4 knots) on puff_num had significant impact on the predictive ability of model B, along with the interaction term between the main effect of puff_num and less_harm.

                Analysis of Variance          Response: log_ecig_30day 

 Factor                                              d.f. Partial SS
 puff_num  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)                4 589.511975
  All Interactions                                      1   2.813085
  Nonlinear                                             2 425.614545
 age_range                                              5   8.073412
 less_harm  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)               2   3.811854
  All Interactions                                      1   2.813085
 ecig_nico                                              1   1.860506
 puff_num * less_harm  (Factor+Higher Order Factors)    1   2.813085
 TOTAL NONLINEAR + INTERACTION                          3 428.235704
 REGRESSION                                            11 615.229768
 ERROR                                               1188 698.931962
 MS          F      P     
 147.3779937 250.50 <.0001
   2.8130849   4.78 0.0290
 212.8072723 361.72 <.0001
   1.6146824   2.74 0.0179
   1.9059270   3.24 0.0395
   2.8130849   4.78 0.0290
   1.8605056   3.16 0.0756
   2.8130849   4.78 0.0290
 142.7452346 242.63 <.0001
  55.9299789  95.07 <.0001

The ANOVA table shows that model B has 12 total degrees of freedom, with 4 non-linear terms of freedom.

Metric Value
Raw \(R^2\) 0.468
Adjusted \(R^2\) 0.463
Validated \(R^2\) 0.4452
AIC 2782.8
BIC 2849
Validated MSE (Mean Squared Error) 0.6096

8.8.3 Effects Plot for Winning Model

summary(mod_B_ols, = 0.90)
             Effects              Response : log_ecig_30day 

 Factor                    Low    High   Diff.  Effect    S.E.     Lower 0.9
 puff_num                  5.7586 7.0476 1.2889  0.596830 0.021791  0.560960
 age_range - <18:18to24    2.0000 1.0000     NA  0.103180 0.111920 -0.081062
 age_range - 25to34:18to24 2.0000 3.0000     NA  0.122840 0.061711  0.021257
 age_range - 35to44:18to24 2.0000 4.0000     NA  0.042718 0.069549 -0.071770
 age_range - 45to54:18to24 2.0000 5.0000     NA  0.127730 0.071094  0.010703
 age_range - >55:18to24    2.0000 6.0000     NA  0.258070 0.075061  0.134510
 less_harm - No:Yes        1.0000 2.0000     NA -0.041346 0.057248 -0.135580
 ecig_nico - No:Yes        1.0000 2.0000     NA -0.120600 0.067818 -0.232240
 Upper 0.9 

Adjusted to: puff_num=6.016428 less_harm=Yes  
plot(summary(mod_B_ols, = 0.90))

From the summary above, for the puff_num coefficient, in model mod_b_ols,

We can conclude that the estimated effect of moving puff_num from 5.76 to 7.05 results in an increase of 0.597 in log_ecig_30day, with 90% confidence intervals of 0.595 to 0.733. IE, for model B,

As an individual’s number of e-cigarette puffs taken the last time they smoked an e-cigarette increases from 5.76 to 7.05, the predicted logarithm of the number of days they smoked an e-cigarette in the past 30 days (plus one day) increases by 0.597, with 90% CI(0.561 to 0.633), provided the individual’s age when they began smoking, their perception of the harmfulness of e-cigarettes, and their use or lack thereof of nicotine containing e-cigarettes are all held constant.

Given that this confidence interval does not include 0, this is a scientifically meaningful effect.

8.8.4 Model Calibration

set.seed(4322023); plot(calibrate(mod_B_ols))

n=1200   Mean absolute error=0.222   Mean squared error=0.06564
0.9 Quantile of absolute error=0.364

The model does not appear to be particularly well calibrated. It under-predicts at the high and low ends of the actual log_ecig_30day values, and over-predicts elsewhere.

8.8.5 Numerical Description of Effect Sizes

summary(mod_B_ols, = 0.90) |> kable(digits = 3) |> 
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24, full_width = F)
Low High Diff. Effect S.E. Lower 0.9 Upper 0.9 Type
puff_num 5.759 7.048 1.289 0.597 0.022 0.561 0.633 1
age_range - <18:18to24 2.000 1.000 NA 0.103 0.112 -0.081 0.287 1
age_range - 25to34:18to24 2.000 3.000 NA 0.123 0.062 0.021 0.224 1
age_range - 35to44:18to24 2.000 4.000 NA 0.043 0.070 -0.072 0.157 1
age_range - 45to54:18to24 2.000 5.000 NA 0.128 0.071 0.011 0.245 1
age_range - >55:18to24 2.000 6.000 NA 0.258 0.075 0.135 0.382 1
less_harm - No:Yes 1.000 2.000 NA -0.041 0.057 -0.136 0.053 1
ecig_nico - No:Yes 1.000 2.000 NA -0.121 0.068 -0.232 -0.009 1

puff_num description :

For two subjects with the same age range at which they started smoking e-cigarettes, the same perception of the harmfulness of e-cigarettes, the same kind of usage or lack thereof of e-cigarettes containing nicotine, and if one subject took 5.76 e-cigarette puffs the last time they smoked an e-cigarette, and the other took 7.05 e-cigarettes puffs 7.05 the last time they smoked an e-cigarette, the model estimates that subject 1 will have a log(number of days smoked in the past 30 days + 1) value 0.597 units higher than subject 2’s log(number of days smoked in the past 30 days + 1). The 90% confidence interval for that estimate ranges from 0.561 to 0.633.

8.8.6 Nomogram of Winning Model


8.8.7 Prediction for a New Subject

A new theoretical subject, who took 5 puffs from an e-cigarette the last time they smoked an e-cigarette, who started smoking e-cigarettes when they were under 18, who uses e-cigarettes because they thought e-cigarettes might be less harmful to them than regular cigarettes, who usually uses an e-cigarette containing nicotine, was created. Their predicted log_ecig_30day value was then obtained and exponentiated. 1 was added to the exponentiated value to complete the transformation back into the original value.

preds <- predict(mod_B_ols, expand.grid(puff_num = 7, age_range = "<18",
                           less_harm = "Yes", ecig_nico = "Yes"), = 0.90, conf.type = "individual") |> as_tibble() |>
  mutate(point_estimate = (exp(linear.predictors) - 1),
         lower_orig = (exp(lower) - 1),
         upper_orig = (exp(upper) - 1)) |>
preds |> kable() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F) 
point_estimate lower_orig upper_orig
2.720541 0.040103 12.3087
Predictor Values Predicted days participant used an e-cigarette in the past 30 days 90% Confidence Interval
puff_num = 7, age_range = “<18”,less_harm = “Yes”, ecig_nico = “Yes” 2.72 0.04 to 12.31

9 Logistic Regression Analyses

9.1 Missingness

data_log |>
  miss_var_summary() |>
  kbl() |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
variable n_miss pct_miss
min_num 853 71.08333
ecig_nico 832 69.33333
ecig_flavored 831 69.25000
price_paid 393 32.75000
harm_perc 12 1.00000
personid 0 0.00000
ecig_reg 0 0.00000

There is missing data in all of the variables under study, and the outcome variable ecig_reg does not have any missing values. There are missing predictor values for more than 10% of the subjects under study, and more than 50 subjects have missing values.

The data can be assumed to be MAR (Missing At Random), since the missing data are not randomly distributed. It cannot be assumed to be MNAR (Missing Not At Random) since there does not appear to be a relationship between the magnitude of a value and it’s missingness (or inclusion in the non-missing data), since there is no preponderance of values with lower or higher magnitude being missing.

Single imputation was already performed on the complete dataset, to account for missingness. The logistic regression dataset was selected.

data_log_i <- data_final_i |>
# A tibble: 7 × 3
  variable      n_miss pct_miss
  <chr>          <int>    <dbl>
1 personid           0        0
2 ecig_reg           0        0
3 harm_perc          0        0
4 price_paid         0        0
5 ecig_flavored      0        0
6 ecig_nico          0        0
7 min_num            0        0

There are no missing predictor variables in the logistic regression dataset after performing single imputation.

9.2 Model Y

9.2.1 Fitting Model Y

Model Y was fit with both lrm and glm. ecig_reg was the outcome variable, and the predictors were min_num, ecig_nico, harm_perc and price_paid.

mod_Y <- glm(ecig_reg ~ min_num + ecig_nico + ecig_flavored + harm_perc + price_paid,
            data = data_log_i, family = binomial())

ddd <- datadist(data_log_i)
options(datadist = "ddd")

mod_Y_lrm <- lrm(ecig_reg ~ min_num + ecig_nico + ecig_flavored + harm_perc + price_paid,
            data = data_log_i, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)

9.2.2 Tidied Odds Ratio Estimates (Model Y)

tidy(mod_Y, exponentiate = TRUE, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95) |>
  select(term, estimate, se = std.error, 
         low95 = conf.low, high95 = conf.high, p = p.value) |>
  kable(digits = 3) |>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
term estimate se low95 high95 p
(Intercept) 18.682 0.314 10.250 35.172 0.000
min_num 1.000 0.001 0.999 1.001 0.733
ecig_nicoNo 0.927 0.198 0.632 1.375 0.700
ecig_flavoredNo 0.116 0.248 0.070 0.186 0.000
harm_percsame_or_more 1.196 0.164 0.869 1.653 0.274
price_paid$10to$20 0.230 0.299 0.126 0.409 0.000
price_paid$21to$100 0.117 0.293 0.065 0.204 0.000
price_paid>$100 0.055 0.479 0.021 0.140 0.000

9.2.3 Effects Plot (Model Y)


9.2.4 Summarizing Fit (Model Y)

Logistic Regression Model

lrm(formula = ecig_reg ~ min_num + ecig_nico + ecig_flavored + 
    harm_perc + price_paid, data = data_log_i, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)

                       Model Likelihood      Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
                             Ratio Test             Indexes          Indexes    
Obs          1200    LR chi2     129.72      R2       0.145    C       0.630    
 Yes          369    d.f.             7     R2(7,1200)0.097    Dxy     0.261    
 No           831    Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    R2(7,766.6)0.148    gamma   0.264    
max |deriv| 1e-07                            Brier    0.181    tau-a   0.111    

                       Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
Intercept               2.9276 0.3140  9.32  <0.0001 
min_num                -0.0002 0.0006 -0.34  0.7335  
ecig_nico=No           -0.0762 0.1979 -0.39  0.7001  
ecig_flavored=No       -2.1513 0.2479 -8.68  <0.0001 
harm_perc=same_or_more  0.1790 0.1638  1.09  0.2743  
price_paid=$10to$20    -1.4684 0.2994 -4.91  <0.0001 
price_paid=$21to$100   -2.1453 0.2925 -7.33  <0.0001 
price_paid=>$100       -2.8969 0.4788 -6.05  <0.0001 
glance(mod_Y) |>
  mutate(df = nobs - df.residual - 1) |>
  select(AIC, BIC, df, df.residual, nobs) |>
  kable(digits = 1)|>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
AIC BIC df df.residual nobs
1367.3 1408 7 1192 1200

9.2.5 Confusion Matrix (Model Y)

A temporary dataset, log_i_temp, for the putpose of generating a confusion matrix, was created. The outcome variable ecig_reg had it’s levels changed from “Yes” and “No” to 1 and 0.

log_i_temp <- data_log_i |>
  mutate(ecig_reg = as.factor(ifelse(ecig_reg == "Yes",1,0)))

mod_Y_cm <- glm(ecig_reg ~ min_num + ecig_nico + ecig_flavored + harm_perc + price_paid,
            data = log_i_temp, family = binomial())

resY_aug <- augment(mod_Y_cm, type.predict = "response")

My prediction rule is that the fitted value of pr(ecig_reg = 1) needs to be greater than or equal to 0.5 for me to predict that ecig_reg is 1.

cm_Y <- caret::confusionMatrix(
  data = factor(resY_aug$.fitted >= 0.5),
  reference = factor(resY_aug$ecig_reg == 1),
  positive = "TRUE")

Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction FALSE TRUE
     FALSE   826  274
     TRUE      5   95
               Accuracy : 0.7675          
                 95% CI : (0.7425, 0.7911)
    No Information Rate : 0.6925          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 4.676e-09       
                  Kappa : 0.3153          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : < 2.2e-16       
            Sensitivity : 0.25745         
            Specificity : 0.99398         
         Pos Pred Value : 0.95000         
         Neg Pred Value : 0.75091         
             Prevalence : 0.30750         
         Detection Rate : 0.07917         
   Detection Prevalence : 0.08333         
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.62572         
       'Positive' Class : TRUE            

9.3 Non-Linearity

A Spearman \(p^2\) plot was created for assessing the terms that are most likely to add predictive power to the model.

plot(spearman2(ecig_reg ~ min_num + ecig_nico + ecig_flavored + harm_perc + price_paid,
            data = data_log_i))

The Spearman plot suggests the use of a non-linear term in min_num, so a restricted cubic spline with 4 knots in min_num will be added to the model, spending two additional degrees of freedom than the main effects model.

An interaction term between the main effect of ecig_flavored and min_num will be added, spending an additional degree of freedom.

9.4 Model Z

Model Z will add a total of 3 additional degrees of freedom to Model Y, using two non-linear terms.

9.4.1 Fitting Model Z

Model Z was fit using both glm and lrm.

mod_Z <- glm(ecig_reg ~ ecig_nico + rcs(min_num,4) + ecig_flavored + harm_perc + price_paid + ecig_flavored %ia% min_num,
            data = data_log_i, family = binomial())

ddd <- datadist(data_log_i)
options(datadist = "ddd")

mod_Z_lrm <- lrm(ecig_reg ~ rcs(min_num,4) + ecig_nico + ecig_flavored + harm_perc + price_paid + ecig_flavored %ia% min_num,
            data = data_log_i, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)

9.4.2 Tidied Odds Ratio Estimates (Model Z)

tidy(mod_Z, exponentiate = TRUE, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.90) |>
  select(term, estimate, se = std.error, 
         low90 = conf.low, high90 = conf.high, p = p.value) |>
  kable(digits = 3)|>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred

Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
term estimate se low90 high90 p
(Intercept) 0.021 0.726 0.006 0.065 0.000
ecig_nicoNo 0.796 0.277 0.510 1.271 0.412
rcs(min_num, 4)min_num 1.104 0.009 1.088 1.121 0.000
rcs(min_num, 4)min_num' 0.843 0.021 0.814 0.871 0.000
rcs(min_num, 4)min_num'' 1.538 0.081 1.349 1.760 0.000
ecig_flavoredNo 0.048 0.715 0.014 0.151 0.000
harm_percsame_or_more 1.589 0.254 1.052 2.429 0.068
price_paid$10to$20 0.111 0.432 0.054 0.224 0.000
price_paid$21to$100 0.057 0.424 0.028 0.113 0.000
price_paid>$100 0.035 0.709 0.011 0.112 0.000
ecig_flavored %ia% min_num 1.003 0.004 0.997 1.009 0.446

9.4.3 Effects Plot (Model Z)

plot(summary(mod_Z_lrm, = 0.90))

9.4.4 Summarizing Fit (Model Z)

Logistic Regression Model

lrm(formula = ecig_reg ~ rcs(min_num, 4) + ecig_nico + ecig_flavored + 
    harm_perc + price_paid + ecig_flavored %ia% min_num, data = data_log_i, 
    x = TRUE, y = TRUE)

                       Model Likelihood       Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
                             Ratio Test              Indexes          Indexes    
Obs          1200    LR chi2     773.30       R2       0.670    C       0.891    
 Yes          369    d.f.            10     R2(10,1200)0.471    Dxy     0.783    
 No           831    Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    R2(10,766.6)0.631    gamma   0.792    
max |deriv| 2e-08                             Brier    0.084    tau-a   0.334    

                           Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
Intercept                  -3.8676 0.7261 -5.33  <0.0001 
min_num                     0.0987 0.0090 10.99  <0.0001 
min_num'                   -0.1707 0.0206 -8.29  <0.0001 
min_num''                   0.4303 0.0807  5.33  <0.0001 
ecig_nico=No               -0.2277 0.2773 -0.82  0.4116  
ecig_flavored=No           -3.0412 0.7147 -4.26  <0.0001 
harm_perc=same_or_more      0.4633 0.2540  1.82  0.0682  
price_paid=$10to$20        -2.1952 0.4318 -5.08  <0.0001 
price_paid=$21to$100       -2.8602 0.4241 -6.74  <0.0001 
price_paid=>$100           -3.3635 0.7092 -4.74  <0.0001 
ecig_flavored=No * min_num  0.0028 0.0037  0.76  0.4457  

The Nagelkerke \(R^2\) for model Z is 0.670. The C statistic is 0.891.

glance(mod_Z) |>
  mutate(df = nobs - df.residual - 1) |>
  select(AIC, BIC, df, df.residual, nobs) |>
  kable(digits = 1)|>
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24,full_width = F)
AIC BIC df df.residual nobs
729.7 785.7 10 1189 1200

9.4.5 Confusion Matrix (Model Z)

As in Model Y, my prediction rule is that the fitted value of pr(ecig_reg = 1) needs to be greater than or equal to 0.5 for me to predict that ecig_reg is 1.

mod_Z_cm <- glm(ecig_reg ~ ecig_nico + rcs(min_num,4) + ecig_flavored + harm_perc + price_paid + ecig_flavored %ia% min_num,
            data = log_i_temp, family = binomial())

resZ_aug <- augment(mod_Z_cm, type.predict = "response")
cm_Z <- caret::confusionMatrix(
  data = factor(resZ_aug$.fitted >= 0.5),
  reference = factor(resZ_aug$ecig_reg == 1),
  positive = "TRUE")

Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction FALSE TRUE
     FALSE   817   99
     TRUE     14  270
               Accuracy : 0.9058          
                 95% CI : (0.8879, 0.9218)
    No Information Rate : 0.6925          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
                  Kappa : 0.7638          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 2.743e-15       
            Sensitivity : 0.7317          
            Specificity : 0.9832          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.9507          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.8919          
             Prevalence : 0.3075          
         Detection Rate : 0.2250          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.2367          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.8574          
       'Positive' Class : TRUE            
Y 0.145 0.630 1367.3 1408 7
Z 0.670 0.891 729.7 785.7 10
Y 0.258 0.994 0.950
Z 0.732 0.983 0.951

9.5 Validating Models Y and Z

set.seed(4322023); (valY <- validate(mod_Y_lrm))
          index.orig training   test optimism index.corrected  n
Dxy           0.2606   0.3282 0.2917   0.0366          0.2241 40
R2            0.1445   0.1617 0.1356   0.0260          0.1185 40
Intercept     0.0000   0.0000 0.0657  -0.0657          0.0657 40
Slope         1.0000   1.0000 0.9093   0.0907          0.9093 40
Emax          0.0000   0.0000 0.0325   0.0325          0.0325 40
D             0.1073   0.1211 0.1003   0.0208          0.0864 40
U            -0.0017  -0.0017 0.0011  -0.0028          0.0011 40
Q             0.1089   0.1228 0.0992   0.0236          0.0853 40
B             0.1814   0.1786 0.1828  -0.0042          0.1856 40
g             0.7310   0.7958 0.7134   0.0824          0.6486 40
gp            0.1421   0.1532 0.1406   0.0126          0.1295 40
set.seed(4322023); (valZ <- validate(mod_Z_lrm))
          index.orig training   test optimism index.corrected  n
Dxy           0.7827   0.7994 0.7809   0.0186          0.7641 40
R2            0.6701   0.6814 0.6641   0.0173          0.6528 40
Intercept     0.0000   0.0000 0.0495  -0.0495          0.0495 40
Slope         1.0000   1.0000 0.9496   0.0504          0.9496 40
Emax          0.0000   0.0000 0.0202   0.0202          0.0202 40
D             0.6436   0.6591 0.6356   0.0235          0.6201 40
U            -0.0017  -0.0017 0.0003  -0.0020          0.0003 40
Q             0.6452   0.6607 0.6353   0.0254          0.6198 40
B             0.0839   0.0815 0.0852  -0.0037          0.0876 40
g             3.3667   3.4866 3.3112   0.1754          3.1914 40
gp            0.3511   0.3546 0.3497   0.0049          0.3462 40

9.5.1 Validated \(R^2\) and \(C\) statistics for each model

Y 0.1185 0.612
Z 0.6528 0.882

9.6 Final Logistic Regression Model

I prefer Model Z, for the following reasons:

  • Model Z has a higher validated \(R^2\) and \(C\) statistic

  • Model Z has a higher Naegelkerke \(R^2\)

  • Model Z has a lower AIC and BIC

  • Model Z has a higher sensitivity, and a higher positive predictive value. While it has the lower specificity, the difference is not wide.

9.6.1 Winning Model’s Parameter Estimates

Logistic Regression Model

lrm(formula = ecig_reg ~ rcs(min_num, 4) + ecig_nico + ecig_flavored + 
    harm_perc + price_paid + ecig_flavored %ia% min_num, data = data_log_i, 
    x = TRUE, y = TRUE)

                       Model Likelihood       Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
                             Ratio Test              Indexes          Indexes    
Obs          1200    LR chi2     773.30       R2       0.670    C       0.891    
 Yes          369    d.f.            10     R2(10,1200)0.471    Dxy     0.783    
 No           831    Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    R2(10,766.6)0.631    gamma   0.792    
max |deriv| 2e-08                             Brier    0.084    tau-a   0.334    

                           Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
Intercept                  -3.8676 0.7261 -5.33  <0.0001 
min_num                     0.0987 0.0090 10.99  <0.0001 
min_num'                   -0.1707 0.0206 -8.29  <0.0001 
min_num''                   0.4303 0.0807  5.33  <0.0001 
ecig_nico=No               -0.2277 0.2773 -0.82  0.4116  
ecig_flavored=No           -3.0412 0.7147 -4.26  <0.0001 
harm_perc=same_or_more      0.4633 0.2540  1.82  0.0682  
price_paid=$10to$20        -2.1952 0.4318 -5.08  <0.0001 
price_paid=$21to$100       -2.8602 0.4241 -6.74  <0.0001 
price_paid=>$100           -3.3635 0.7092 -4.74  <0.0001 
ecig_flavored=No * min_num  0.0028 0.0037  0.76  0.4457  
# Obtaining model coefficients and exponentiating them
tidy(mod_Z, exponentiate = TRUE, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.90) |>
kable(digits = 3) |> 
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24, full_width = F) 
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
(Intercept) 0.021 0.726 -5.327 0.000 0.006 0.065
ecig_nicoNo 0.796 0.277 -0.821 0.412 0.510 1.271
rcs(min_num, 4)min_num 1.104 0.009 10.992 0.000 1.088 1.121
rcs(min_num, 4)min_num' 0.843 0.021 -8.289 0.000 0.814 0.871
rcs(min_num, 4)min_num'' 1.538 0.081 5.330 0.000 1.349 1.760
ecig_flavoredNo 0.048 0.715 -4.255 0.000 0.014 0.151
harm_percsame_or_more 1.589 0.254 1.823 0.068 1.052 2.429
price_paid$10to$20 0.111 0.432 -5.084 0.000 0.054 0.224
price_paid$21to$100 0.057 0.424 -6.744 0.000 0.028 0.113
price_paid>$100 0.035 0.709 -4.743 0.000 0.011 0.112
ecig_flavored %ia% min_num 1.003 0.004 0.763 0.446 0.997 1.009

9.6.2 Plot of Effect Sizes for Winning Model

             Effects              Response : ecig_reg 

 Factor                             Low High Diff. Effect    S.E.    Lower 0.95
 min_num                            90  180  90     1.056400 0.24375  0.578620 
  Odds Ratio                        90  180  90     2.875900      NA  1.783600 
 ecig_nico - No:Yes                  1    2  NA    -0.227660 0.27727 -0.771110 
  Odds Ratio                         1    2  NA     0.796390      NA  0.462500 
 ecig_flavored - No:Yes              1    2  NA    -2.705000 0.41467 -3.517800 
  Odds Ratio                         1    2  NA     0.066868      NA  0.029666 
 harm_perc - same_or_more:less_harm  1    2  NA     0.463250 0.25405 -0.034679 
  Odds Ratio                         1    2  NA     1.589200      NA  0.965920 
 price_paid - Below$10:$21to$100     3    1  NA     2.860200 0.42410  2.029000 
  Odds Ratio                         3    1  NA    17.465000      NA  7.606200 
 price_paid - $10to$20:$21to$100     3    2  NA     0.664980 0.25607  0.163100 
  Odds Ratio                         3    2  NA     1.944400      NA  1.177100 
 price_paid - >$100:$21to$100        3    4  NA    -0.503340 0.60451 -1.688200 
  Odds Ratio                         3    4  NA     0.604510      NA  0.184860 
 Upper 0.95

Adjusted to: min_num=120 ecig_flavored=Yes  

9.6.3 Numerical Description of Effect Sizes

summary(mod_Z_lrm, = 0.90) |> kable(digits = 3) |> 
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24, full_width = F)
Low High Diff. Effect S.E. Lower 0.9 Upper 0.9 Type
min_num 90 180 90 1.056 0.244 0.655 1.457 1
Odds Ratio 90 180 90 2.876 NA 1.926 4.294 2
ecig_nico - No:Yes 1 2 NA -0.228 0.277 -0.684 0.228 1
Odds Ratio 1 2 NA 0.796 NA 0.505 1.257 2
ecig_flavored - No:Yes 1 2 NA -2.705 0.415 -3.387 -2.023 1
Odds Ratio 1 2 NA 0.067 NA 0.034 0.132 2
harm_perc - same_or_more:less_harm 1 2 NA 0.463 0.254 0.045 0.881 1
Odds Ratio 1 2 NA 1.589 NA 1.046 2.414 2
price_paid - Below$10:$21to$100 3 1 NA 2.860 0.424 2.163 3.558 1
Odds Ratio 3 1 NA 17.465 NA 8.694 35.085 2
price_paid - $10to$20:$21to$100 3 2 NA 0.665 0.256 0.244 1.086 1
Odds Ratio 3 2 NA 1.944 NA 1.276 2.963 2
price_paid - >$100:$21to$100 3 4 NA -0.503 0.605 -1.498 0.491 1
Odds Ratio 3 4 NA 0.605 NA 0.224 1.634 2

price_paid description:

For two individuals, subject 1 and 2, who have their first e-cigarette puff of the day the same number of minutes after waking up, who both use nicotine containing e-cigarettes, who have the same perception of the harmfulness of e-cigarettes in comparison to regular cigarettes, and use flavored e-cigarettes, and subject 1 pays less than 10 dollars for their e-cigarettes, and subject 2 pays between 21 to a 100 dollars for their e-cigarettes, according to model Z, the ratio of the odds of subject 1 being a regular e-cigarette smoker to the odds of subject 2 being a regular e-cigarette smoker is 17.465 The 90% confidence intervals around this estimate are (8.69 to 35.09).

Given that this interval does not include 1, this is a meaningful effect.

9.6.4 Plot of ROC Curve for Winning Model

The roc function from the pROC package was used to obtain the ROC curve for model Z(the lrm model). The dataset with the outcome variable recoded as “Yes” = 1, “No” = 0 was used.

roc.mod <- 
    roc(log_i_temp$ecig_reg ~ predict(mod_Z_lrm, type="fitted"),
        ci = TRUE)
Setting levels: control = 0, case = 1
Setting direction: controls > cases
plot(roc.mod, auc.polygon = TRUE, print.auc = TRUE,max.auc.polygon = TRUE,
     grid=c(0.1, 0.2),
     grid.col = c("green", "red"),
     auc.polygon.col = "skyblue",title = "ROC Curve for Model Z (lrm) with the AUC score")

9.6.5 Validated \(R^2\) and \(C\) statistic for Winning Model

Z 0.6528 0.882

9.6.6 Nomogram of Winning Model

plot(nomogram(mod_Z_lrm, fun = plogis))

9.6.7 Predictions for Two New Subjects

new_subj <-
  data.frame(min_num = c(60,60), ecig_flavored = c("Yes","Yes"),ecig_nico = c("Yes","Yes"),harm_perc = c("less_harm","less_harm"), price_paid = c("Below$10","$21to$100")) 
preds4 <- predict(mod_Z_lrm, newdata = new_subj, type = "fitted")

        1         2 
0.8584043 0.2576755 
Subject Name Subject Characteristics Predicted Probability of being a regular E-cigarette smoker
Subject 1 min_num = 60 minutes, ecig_flavored = Yes, ecig_nico = Yes, harm_perc = “less_harm”, price_paid = “Below$10” 0.858
Subject 2 min_num = 60 minutes, ecig_flavored = Yes, ecig_nico = Yes, harm_perc = “less_harm”, price_paid = “$21to$100” 0.258

10 Discusssion

10.1 Answering My Research Questions

10.1.1 My First Research Question

E-Cigarette Perception, Smoking Habits, and their association with Heavy E-Cigarette Use:

Are smoking e-cigarettes that contain nicotine, the perception of the purported healthiness of e-cigarettes when compared to smoking regular cigarettes, and smoking habits strong predictors of heavy e-cigarette use in adulthood?

# Transforming the coefficients of Model B back to the original variable's scale
tidy_mod_B |> 
  mutate(estimate = sprintf("%.2f",(exp(estimate) - 1)),
         conf.low = sprintf("%.2f",(exp(conf.low) - 1)),
         conf.high = sprintf("%.2f",(exp(conf.high) - 1))) |>
  select(term,estimate,conf.low,conf.high, p.value) |>
  kbl(digits = 3) |> 
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24, full_width = F)  
term estimate conf.low conf.high p.value
(Intercept) 31.34 21.74 44.99 0.000
rcs(puff_num, 4)puff_num -0.46 -0.50 -0.43 0.000
rcs(puff_num, 4)puff_num' 95957.21 42612.78 216078.82 0.000
rcs(puff_num, 4)puff_num'' -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 0.000
age_range18to24 -0.10 -0.25 0.08 0.357
age_range25to34 0.02 -0.16 0.23 0.863
age_range35to44 -0.06 -0.23 0.15 0.612
age_range45to54 0.02 -0.16 0.25 0.838
age_range>55 0.17 -0.05 0.43 0.206
less_harmNo 0.16 -0.04 0.39 0.204
ecig_nicoNo -0.11 -0.21 -0.01 0.076
puff_num %ia% less_harm -0.03 -0.05 -0.01 0.029


Higher number of puffs taken per day are correlated with a higher number of days an e-cigarette was smoked in the past 30 days, provided all other variables are held constant. This is evident from the confidence intervals of puff_num, which do not include zero.


The usage of e-cigarettes that do not contain nicotine are associated with a significantly lower number of days an e-cigarette was smoked by a study participant in the past 30 days, provided all other variables are held constant.

The point estimate for this effect is -0.11, with 90%CI(-0.21 to -0.01). Given that the confidence interval does not include zero, this is a meaningful effect. (p = 0.076)


Initiation of e-cigarette smoking at a younger age does not have a meaningful correlation with heavy e-cigarette smoking by an individual in the past 30 days, provided all other variables are held constant. This is evident from the confidence intervals for the different levels of age_range, all of which contain zero, when compared to the number of days an e-cigarette was smoked in the past 30 days by individuals who initiated e-cigarette smoking when they were less than 18 years of age.


The perception of the supposed healthiness of e-cigarettes when compared to regular cigarettes do not have a meaningful correlation with an individual’s e-cigarette smoking in the past 30 days, provided all other variables are held constant. This is evident from the confidence intervals for the term less_harmNo from the table of model B’s coefficients, which include zero. (p = 0.204)

In summation, to answer my first research question,

Factors such as a higher number of puffs taken from an e-cigarette daily, and usage of nicotine-containing e-cigarettes are correlated with heavier smoking habits over the past 30 days.

Factors such as an individual’s perception of the supposed healthiness of e-cigarettes when compared to regular cigarettes, and their age when they began smoking e-cigarettes, do not have a meaningful impact on an individual’s smoking habits over the past 30 days.

10.1.2 My Second Research Question

Regular e-cigarette use and it’s associated factors:

Are factors such as using flavored e-cigarettes, or needing to use e-cigarettes immediately after waking up, or using e-cigarettes with nicotine, or use of e-cigarettes as a healthier alternative to regular cigarettes associated with regular e-cigarette use?

summary(mod_Z_lrm, = 0.90) |> kable(digits = 3) |> 
  kable_classic_2(font_size = 24, full_width = F)
Low High Diff. Effect S.E. Lower 0.9 Upper 0.9 Type
min_num 90 180 90 1.056 0.244 0.655 1.457 1
Odds Ratio 90 180 90 2.876 NA 1.926 4.294 2
ecig_nico - No:Yes 1 2 NA -0.228 0.277 -0.684 0.228 1
Odds Ratio 1 2 NA 0.796 NA 0.505 1.257 2
ecig_flavored - No:Yes 1 2 NA -2.705 0.415 -3.387 -2.023 1
Odds Ratio 1 2 NA 0.067 NA 0.034 0.132 2
harm_perc - same_or_more:less_harm 1 2 NA 0.463 0.254 0.045 0.881 1
Odds Ratio 1 2 NA 1.589 NA 1.046 2.414 2
price_paid - Below$10:$21to$100 3 1 NA 2.860 0.424 2.163 3.558 1
Odds Ratio 3 1 NA 17.465 NA 8.694 35.085 2
price_paid - $10to$20:$21to$100 3 2 NA 0.665 0.256 0.244 1.086 1
Odds Ratio 3 2 NA 1.944 NA 1.276 2.963 2
price_paid - >$100:$21to$100 3 4 NA -0.503 0.605 -1.498 0.491 1
Odds Ratio 3 4 NA 0.605 NA 0.224 1.634 2


Individuals who need to use e-cigarettes within an hour or an hour and a half of waking up have detectable higher odds of identifying as regular users of e-cigarettes, provided the other variables are held constant. This is evident in the 90% confidence intervals for the odds ratio in the coefficient table, which does not include 1.


Individuals who do not use flavored e-cigarettes have detectable lower odds of identifying as regular users of e-cigarettes, provided the other variables are held constant. This is evident in the 90% confidence intervals for the odds ratio in the coefficient table, which does not include 1. The point estimate for this odds ratio is 0.07, with 90% confidence intervals (0.03 to 0.13). Individuals who do not use flavored e-cigarettes have only 0.07 times the odds(90%CI 0.03 to 0.13) of identifying as regular e-cigarette smokers, compared to individuals who do use flavored e-cigarettes.


Individuals who pay less than 10 dollars for their e-cigarettes have detectably higher odds of identifying as regular e-cigarettes, as compared to individuals who paid anywhere between 21 to 100 dollars for their e-cigarette, provided the other variables are held constant. This is evident in the 90% confidence intervals for the odds ratio in the coefficient table, which do not include zero. Similarly, individuals who pay anywhere between 10 to 20 dollars for their e-cigarette also have detectably higher odds of identifying as regular e-cigarette smokers

However, individuals who pay more than 100 dollars for their e-cigarettes do not have meaningfully different odds of identifying as regular e-cigarette smokers compared to individuals who pay anywhere between 21 to 100 dollars for their e-cigarettes, provided the other variables remain constant. This is evident in the 90% confidence intervals for the odds ratio of this effect in the coefficient table, which includes 1.


Individuals who do not use e-cigarettes with nicotine do not have meaningfully different odds of identifying as regular e-cigarette smokers compared to individuals who use e-cigarettes containing nicotine, provided the other variables are held constant. The 90% confidence intervals for the odds ratio of this effect includes 1.


Individuals who perceive e-cigarettes as being the same or more harmful than regular e-cigarettes do not have meaningfully different odds of identifying as regular e-cigarette smokers compared to individuals who perceive e-cigarettes as being less harmful than regular e-cigarettes, provided the other variables are held constant. The odds ratio for this effect includes 1.

In summation, to answer my second research question,

Factors such as needing to use e-cigarettes immediately after waking up, using flavored e-cigarettes, and using cheaper e-cigarette brands are all associated with detectably higher odds of identifying as a regular e-cigarette user, provided the other variables are held constant.

Factors such as the usage of nicotine containing e-cigarettes, and the perceptiom of the harmfulness of e-cigarettes as compared to regular cigarettes do not have a meaningful impact on the odds of identifying as a regular e-cigarette user, provided all other variables remain constant.

10.2 Limitations and Next Steps

10.2.1 Model B and it’s limitations

Given that model B was predicting a count outcome, and given then the outcome was transformed using a logarithm transformation after adding a non-zero integer to the outcome, the resulting model is very highly driven by the puff_num variable, resulting in exploding coefficients for the restricted cubic spline applied on puff_num.

Model B outperformed Model A on all metrics that were studied. Visualization of the transformed outcome variable showed why that was the case, given the non-linear, skewed nature of the data under study. The data lent itself very well towards a non-linear term, even if the restricted cubic spline had exploding coefficients.

This outcome could be better modeled with a Poisson regression, and by using a larger dataset with lesser missing values. The next ideal step would be to expand the dataset to more than 1200, and model the outcome using a Poisson regression.

10.2.2 Model Z and it’s limitations

The glm fit of the model produced a warning stating that predicted probabilities of 0 or 1 had occurred. Given that the data under analysis had a large amount of missingness, imputation possibly skewed the model towards one direction or the other. It is important to note that this warning was only produced in the glm model, while the lrm model did not produce such a warning.

This model could be improved by vastly expanding the sample size, minimizing the effect of the missing data and smoothing out the predicted probabilites so that the preceding skew does not repeat itself.

10.3 Thoughts on Project A

Project A was more difficult than I expected it to be. I went in knowing it would take a decent amount of work and effort, and I was reasonably confident that I could tackle it, since I knew my experience in 431 had already helped prepare me for the work that would be required. The hardest part of Project A was dealing with the large number of missing values. The impact of imputation on both models was significant, and discussing the limitations and understanding how the models could be improved was a difficult task, although I did learn a lot from the difficulty I had with the data.

At the end of Project A, I wished that I had chosen a non count outcome for the linear regression.We hadn’t covered count outcomes at the time of submission of the Plan, and if I’d known the difficulties inherent in using linear regression for a count outcome when I started, I would have picked a different outcome variable.

11 Affirmation

I am certain that it is completely appropriate for these data to be shared with anyone, without any conditions. There are no concerns about privacy or security.

12 References

[1] Singh, T., Arrazola, R. A., Corey, C. G., Husten, C. G., Neff, L. J., Homa, D. M., & King, B. A. (2016). Tobacco use among middle and high school students—United States, 2011–2015. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 65(14), 361-367.

[2] Dutra, L. M., & Glantz, S. A. (2014). High international electronic cigarette use among never smoker adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55(5), 595-597.

[3] Dutra, L. M., & Glantz, S. A. (2017). E-cigarettes and national adolescent cigarette use: 2004–2014. Pediatrics, 139(2).

[4] Glantz, S. A., & Bareham, D. W. (2018). E-cigarettes: use, effects on smoking, risks, and policy implications. Annual review of public health, 39, 215-235.

[5] United States Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health. National Institute on Drug Abuse, and United States Department of Health and Human Services. Food and Drug Administration. Center for Tobacco Products. Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study [United States] Public-Use Files. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2022-10-07.

13 Session Information

R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31 ucrt)
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